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School Uniform

School Uniform

In order to encourage being part of a team and to feel proud that they belong here, we have a uniform for pupils  which is smart yet comfortable and practicable. We urge all parents and carers to remember that some lessons will be outdoors, no matter what the weather (within reason), and ask that pupils always come to school prepared for the weather that day.

A change of footwear can be brought into school if walking in wearing  wellies or boots in bad weather, or for changing in to at lunchtimes.


  • suitable, practical school shoes in black (no trainers or boots)
  • royal blue sweatshirt, ‘V’ necked jumper or cardigan
  • pale blue polo shirt
  • grey skirt or grey pinafore dress/pale blue and white striped or checked summer dress in warmer weather if wished
  • smart grey trousers/smart grey shorts in warmer weather if wished (no leggings or tight-fitting jersey trousers)
  • white, grey or black socks or tights
  • warm coat with hood, gloves, scarf in winter; waterproof coat/anorak in rainy weather
  • sun hat and sun cream applied before school in summer

Indoor P.E. Kit

  • school P.E. shirt with school colours/logo
  • black shorts
  • black plimsolls
  • white P.E. socks

Outdoor P.E. Kit:

  • blue / black jogging bottoms (plain no brandings or large logos)
  • blue/black sweatshirt (plain no brandings or large logos)
  • trainers

We ask that parents purchase at least one school logo sweatshirt or cardigan for their child. These can then  be worn for special events such as photos, trips or visits and special assemblies & services. We appreciate that at other times, you may wish children to wear the plain and less costly school wear.

We ask that children use a schoolbook bag to carry their books to school in which are available from the school at a cost of £7.99 each. We discourage big school bags or rucksacks as we have a problem with storing these in school during the day. Children only need to bring their reading record, reading book and homework to school.

For safety reasons, we strongly advise against any form of jewellery being worn by children while at school. If children have pierced ears, we prefer that they do not even wear studs during school time, but if this is not possible we accept the wearing of simple studs until it is possible to do without. These must be removed before any P.E. activity. Long hair must be neatly tied back with plain hair bands in school colours. Nail varnish is not to be worn in school.

School uniform can be purchased from Class Clobber . Alternatively, our PTA also sell ‘pre-loved’ uniform regularly.

Uniform (in school colours, without logo) is also widely available from a range of supermarkets.

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