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At Fingringhoe, we are very fortunate to have an active PTA – they are very much at the heart of our school community.

A PTA is a Parent Teacher Association, an organisation with a mission to make our school a better place for children to learn. At Fingringhoe, we aim to bring together parents, teachers and children to raise funds and strengthen our school community. Money raised is reinvested straight back into school to benefit the children. The PTA have contributed towards school trips, additional resources for the children to use in class, as well as Christmas and Summer fetes – not forgetting our famous ‘50p Friday’ which is always very popular!


Upcoming events

Christmas Fayre in the village hall on Saturday 9th December 1pm – 3pm

A Message from our PTA: 

We believe the role of the PTA is vital in supporting the school provide the best education and opportunities for our children. These can be in many different guises such as organising

volunteers to help in school, arranging events and activities for the children and families to enjoy, and we are always actively fundraising to help fund trips and equipment the school would otherwise be unable to afford.

As a small school within Fingringhoe Village, we specifically look at organising events that the local community can enjoy and we actively support local businesses and parents of the school in providing opportunities to advertise or sell their products.

Each year we aim to raise hundreds of pounds which are then spent on a variety of projects. Last year we raised £3094 and we’re on track to exceed this total for 22-23.

The following are some of the things we have funded between 21-23:

  • £2400 on iPads for the school to meet increasing technology demands
  • Large contributions towards school trips to lower costs for parents
  • KS1 & KS2 books totalling £1977
  • As a yearly tradition, we also fund leavers gifts and organise a memorable leavers event for our year 6.

Our largest event each year is our Christmas Fair. We also hold craft and summer fairs which are great events for all the family to enjoy and they help raise the bulk of the funds for the PTA. This year we held our first Afternoon Tea which raised over £500. It was a huge success and fully supported by local villagers and parents of the school and we will be holding another one in the near future. All communication surrounding future events feature on newsletters, in school emails and is advertised on Facebook as well as on local noticeboards.

We welcome support on every level from parents and families. Everything to simply attending and support events to getting more involved in running some events. It couldn’t happen without all of you and we are truly appreciative.

If you are interested in joining our PTA, we’d love to have you on board! Please contact:

Co-Chairs: Tricia Sebborn-Keeling/Shelley Walker, Treasurer: Jodie Rout, Secretary: Holly Leppard

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